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Ok, On Monday at McMiller, I saw the strangest set up on an AK. There was a guy with a high end AK with a scope mounted on it that was at least a full 6"-7" off of the receiver. It had a black soft rubber eyepiece on the one end. When he shot the rifle there was zero cheek weld. And at first I thought he was going to have a bad case of scope eye, till I saw the rubber eye piece. Can you even get a decent scope alignment without a cheek weld? Has anyone ever seen such a setup?
Only ak that I've seen with sights attached was featured in the recoil magazine.. They mounted it off of the barrel since the receiver flexes and won't yield accurate results from what I've heard.. But I'd like to hear any hands on thoughts because most likely an ak will be the next purchase.
I think I know what you are talking about. A lot of times the Russian scopes were built high so you could still use the iron sites. I haven't shot anything like it since the scopes are expensive, also I just like iron sites
(10-22-2014, 10:23 AM)fromtheplaines Wrote: [ -> ]I think I know what you are talking about. A lot of times the Russian scopes were built high so you could still use the iron sites. I haven't shot anything like it since the scopes are expensive, also I just like iron sites

I have never seen this. This scope was a good 6-7" above. When he had his eye in the eyepiece attached to the scope the rifle stock was in his shoulder. There was ZERO chance for any cheek weld. If he even tried the scope would be at his hair line. It was weird.

I mean I've seen high scope mounts (HK claw mounts for example) this was at least 4" higher than that. When I say 6-7" hight it was 6-7" from the scope bottom to the top of the gun.
If you see him again just ask...