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Found this on CBS 60 minutes.
"Kodak and Polaroid all wrapped in one"
Apparently he is not a gun owner!

The free market guy in me says, yeah, let them be sold to the poeple that want one. I do truly believe it would be a flop but...

The political beast in me says, hell no. Just like the Senator from New Jersey said at the end, "yeah let's make a law where every dealer has to have one on display. WHAT? Make a law that dictates what I have to display???? If you wack job ligistlaors left things alone and didn't try to legislate what we can and can't have i would think some of these guns would have been sold in this country already.

We know better, once these hit the markets, some jackass law would force us to only have this type. Case and point, who's business is it that I wear a seat beat? Mine and only mine, there shouldn't be a law making me do it.
Typical sloppy journalism by 60 minutes.

"We passed that bill to spur the development."

What a bold face liar. That makes no sense whatsoever.

"Looking for the Mark Zuckerberg of guns" Seriously, the guy who wrote the pathetically flawed mess we call Facebook. The last thing I want is a gun that works as bad as Facebook.

There is a difference between programming and technology for phones and for life critical systems. Planes would fall out of the sky and pacemakers will kill all who have them if Mark Zuckerberg's team built them.

And therein lies one of the problems.
I am sure that it is not "bullet proof". Someone I am sure will be able to hack the program that locks out the weapon and then have a renegade gun that goes on a rampage, shooting people again. Weapons have a mind of their own...just ask the media, they know....Devil
Smart but ignorant people coming up with really DUMB ideas.